Blackberries or blueberries: which one is better?

Blackberries and blueberries have loads of health benefits, but if you had to choose one, which would you choose?

Anthocyanins: Vibrant color and Health

Both blackberries and blueberries are rich in anthocyanins, pigments that give these fruits their vibrant color. Anthocyanins, due to their great antioxidant power, are associated with the prevention of chronic diseases such as cancer and cardiovascular diseases.

Let’s compare main nutrients of Blackberries and Blueberries:

Energy (kcal)4357
Magnesium (mg)186
Potassium (mg)19477
Calcium (mg)396
Vitamin A (mcg)7.516.2
Vitamin C (mg)36.49.7

Blackberries x Blueberries

According to the table, you can see that Blackberries have more potassium (essencial for controlling blood pressure) and vitamin C (powerful antioxidant). On the other hand, Blueberries are richer in vitamin A (important for eye and skin health) and lutein (essential antioxidant for eye health).

The Best Choice?

There is no “better” fruit; both offer significant health benefits, and the best choice will depend on your individual needs and preferences.

The Ideal Approach is to Vary Your Fruit Consumption

The best way to enjoy all the benefits that berries can offer is to vary your consumption of both. By including both blackberries and blueberries in your diet, you ensure a greater variety of nutrients and antioxidants, contributing to overall better health.

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Liana Fernandes:
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